Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~ so long Ms. Izyan didn’t update diz blog. Lupe ke??? Tak rasenye…! Hahaha~ but kemalasan bermaharajalela~
Since Ms. Izyan work s a teacher, Ms. Izyan very2 bz n tired je!!! Huhuhu~ org yg baru nak merasai keje, MELANGKAH KE ALAM PEKERJAAAN LA KONON2NYE!!!~
Mane la tak penat~ Ms. Izyan need 2 men keja2 wif ol those kids!!! Dok marah2 pon tak jalan juge!! Huhuhu~
3 months b4 diz Ms. Izyan handled k3 students, which 6 years old. Ol of them very2 gud in speaking, listening, reading, writing n also very independent. Even sumtimes they r not listen 2 me as a teacher, but when time Ms. Izyan teaching in front, ol of them keep quiet n show respect 2 me…
Stat2 ngaja derang dah pandai! Mmg besh gilller~ counting, n reading mmg senang nk aja. Cume de la 2, 3 org. but datz not a problem..
But yg cm peliknye, Ms. Izyan mmg susah nak marah! Ishk2…padahal mmg dah marah pon!! Nak tau~ 1 day, 1 of my students asked me –
Pia : teacher…nape teacher tak penah marah???
Ms. Izyan : Eh??? Teacher tgh marah la nie!! (hahaha~ kdg2 tercakap bm jugak! Maklumla, nak ckp English nie masih tergeliat lg~)
Pia : tu…teacher snyum tu~
Ms. Izyan : mane de teacher snyum….ishk2..
Yg nie plak, last 3 days. When Ms. Izyan dok jaga gate, takut budak2 men lari2 g skolah sbelah!
Nurin Fatin Nabila : teacher…nape teacher cm budak2?? (budak nie mmg susah sket nak paham BI)
Ms. Izyan : eh?? Teacher cm budak2?? Nape pulak?? Im your teacher la..
Nurin Fatin Nabila : tak la..teacher mcm budak2..
Ms. Izyan : iye la tu (malas nak lyn budak2 yg dah pndai ckp nie) [tersengih malu sendiri~]
Hahaha~ datz not include when Ms. Izyan pakai t-shirt n trek suit.. ye la…time outdoor games kene la g field, wear sport attire~
Melangkah masuk pintu…all the teachers said :::::::> intan…cm budak skolah nye nampak… waaaa~ sedey2 :P
moreover, when da assembly time, de 1 girl student, da biggest student kat c2..asked me sumting…hahaha~ baru Ms. Izyan realized dat she is almost same height as me!!! Gillllleeeerrrr~! Ms. Izyan terus lari jauh2!!! Hahahaha~!!!
there r so many things Ms. Izyan want 2 share actually..sepanjang almost 5 months Ms. Izyan working there, bnyk kenangan manis n pahit.. but LUMRAH kannnnn~~
yg manis OK je nak cite kat cni...if yg tak manis sgt, susah...especially when involve the parents...rich people kan...they r expect toOoOoooOo high...n want us 2 respect them...susahhhhh~
tp..CABARAN!!!! :D thnks all da teachers yg mmg best, byk bg sokongan n dorongan!!!
ditulis oleh si c0mey
- Ms. Izyan -