tp sempat gak ngadap facebook men pet society! hahahaha~
hm..tgh dok cari2 mane fail2 aku yg dolu2...suddenly jumpe bende alah ni. may be dah lapok, but sumting interesting yg leh merehatkan minda kite :) keep on smiling my frens..
hahahaha~ gelak2, cumey plak tembikai wat camnie. sape2 yg pandai, aku nak tempah utk majlis mkn beradap wed aku nnt eh?
ciannye anak kucing nie. hehehe~ kucing terbang membawa ikan? :P
agak2nye, leh ke burung tu dok diam?
moral: rokok amat baik utk manusia! huhu~
kasih sayang tanpa mengenal rupa n fizikal... huhuhu~
sourcenye kurang pasti coz dah lame sgt dok dlm pc aku nie~~
11 cambest:
seeing pictures like I remember how i felt watching Alice in wonderland wen I was little.. a bit awed and scared... but it fascinates me these days.. nice blog.. just passin'
a'ah la... lawa giler tembikai tu... komfrem org x makan... wat frame lg ade la~ hohoho
to: murk_core
thanx, im still learning.. :)
wat: kipas
hehehe~ cumey kan?? wat kan utk org ek?? hehehe~
hahah..bikin cik angah tergelak...best2 ni wat geng...jom kita bergeng cik intan...cik angah suke pic2 pelik mcm ni...;p
wat: Cik Angah
thanx 4 supporting me :)
realllllyyyyy2 appreciate it, luv ya :)
wah wah wah...gamba yg sgt mengg0da~
aku suka gmbr last tu..touching siot! :P
wat: kEy
hehehe...ape yg menggoda??
wat: Lil^GriZzLe A
hehehe..cinta itu buta :P
tmbahan kepada inn:
creative n cantik :)
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